| Argentina
| Australia
| Belgium
| Brazil
| Bulgaria
- Pourladanse Promotes dance sport providing results, calendar competitions, news, articles, interviews,etc...
- Forum sur la Danse Sportive Forum In French
- Centre de Danse AUFRERE
- Rock and Roll in Paris In French
- Le Blog De La Dansesportive Interviews, Results, Photos, Videos, Gossip, Shop. In French.
- Mai - Ballroom Dancing Site for Greater China (China, Hong Kong, Taiwan) In English and Chinese!
- Hong Kong Ballroom Dancing Council Ltd. No 10, Jubilee Street,
Room 502, Central, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 541 6105 Fax +852 544 7908
- Hong Kong DanceSport Association, c/o Stanley Au, President, PO Box
90547, T.S.T Post office, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2719 0972,
(852) 7888 9997 Fax: (852) 2719 6870
- Chinny Hong Kong
- Dansinn Dance Studios
- Sportsdans in Norwegian
- N.D.F. Norwegian Dance Teachers Federation Store Bjornstad,
1792 Tistedal, Norway. Tel. + 47 69 190044 Fax +47 69 190022
- Polskie Towarzystwo Taneczne
- Dancesport.pl Taniec online
Pierwszy polski profesjonalny serwis taneczny: aktualnosci, wyniki, zdjecia, artykuly, forum etc.
- Perfect Dance Club Oficjalna strona internetowa klubu PERFECT DANCE z Wroclawia
- Szkola Tanca JAST, Wroclaw
- Kasperowicz Dance School Pierwsza Polska Szkola Tanca na WWW, ale ... w Chicago
- Centrum kultury w Lublinie
- LEW Dance Club from Legnica
- Carioca Dance Club from Belchatow
- Klub Tanca Towarzyskiego FENIKS
- Kosas Zone serwis taneczny po polsku
- Szkola Tanca Romuald Rychcicki, Szczecin. Nauka tanca dla doroslych i
dzieci, taniec dla pan, kursy dla nowozenców.
- TWIST SERVICE Adama Socika Wywiady, Turnieje, Kontakty etc. In Polish.
- Dancing with the Stars Polish TV show, equivalent of Strictly come Dancing
- Impulse Theatre of Dance
- Ukrainian Dance Board Office UDB: Sergey Dorogovtsev, Responsible
secretary of UDB, Prospect Dzerzynskogo 4/31, 340000 Donetsk, Ukraine.
Tel/fax +7 0622 353903
- Dancepartner.com Search for a partner worldwide
- American Ballroom Company
- Access Dance finding comps in your area etc.
- LearnToDance.com over 50,000 dance studios listed
- Locate dance spots and teachers throughout the US & Canada!
- DanceSportComps.com The Ultimate Guide to DanceSport Comps Worldwide
- Classicdancers.com Michael Mead and Toni Redpath, US American Style Ballroom Champions
- DanceVision Your One Stop Shop To The World Of Dance
- Bust-A-Move Learn to dance online
- Dance Notes The People Magazine Of Ballroom Dance
- HENRY'S DANCE HOTLIST THE most comprehensive link list
- Ballroomdancers.com
- DANCLINK one stop shop for all your entertaining needs
- Denver Dance Net
- International Collegiate Ballroom Dancing Collegiate dancers start here
- University of Delaware Ballroom Dance Society
- Dance Sport Club at University of Hawaii Manoa
- Classic Ballroom New Jersey's premier dance spot
- Kasper Dance School Ballroom Dance School in Chicago
- Julius Kaiser, Dance Coach
- DanceSport International Dance studio in New York
- Southern Methodist University Ballroom Dance Club Dallas, Texas
- Let's Dance Club The Tucson, Arizona
- Blackbook of Dance Contacts For all kinds of dancing
- Colorado Round Dance Association (CRDA) Features calendar of Events
- Dancing Ball
- The Dancers Shopping Mall
- C&V Ballroom Dance Group Inc. Studio and ballroom dancing group in Hawaii
- DC DanceNet
- TC Dance Club International Dance studios in US and UK
- National Dance Council of America (NDCA) governs ballroom and dancesport competitions in the USA
- Corky & Shirley Ballas Fan Club site
- Utah Valley State College Ballroom Dance Co
- Stepping Out Dance Studios New York
- Nyemchek's Dance Centre New York
- Saint Louis Ballroom Dancers Group classes/workshops in USA
- Steppin Out Dance studio in Lansing, MI
- Claremont Colleges Ballroom Dance Company LA, California
- Ziggy's places to Dance Places to dance in every State and major City
- Dance TV Learn to dance online
- Tanguero Productions Professional Tango Argentino Company
- The Yankee Classic One of the US most prestigious competitions
- Pierre Dulaine Dance Club Social dancing in New York
- Genesis DanceSport Academy San Francisco
- UNESCO Global Dance Directory
- USABDA New York chapter
- The Dance Net search engine dedicated to dance sites only
- The Ballroom Dancesport magazine
- University of California Irvine Dance sport
- Layman Kingsford Productions Your source for original Dancesport music!
- Dance Alaska
- Hoboken Swing Scene
- SalsaCrazy
- Dancesport Worldsite news, gossip etc.
- Promenade - A New Class of Dancing Dance studio in Los Angeles, CA
- Arthur Murray Dance Studios of Las Vegas exciting and comprehensive instruction for learning all the popular dances
- Folk Dance Association
- Dancing Buggs for ballroom dance enthusiasts, listening to dance music, etc.
- Dancesport.bz
- Dance Charisma studio in Las Vegas, NV
- World Promotions Inc.
- WaltzBalls Viennese waltz balls in US and Vienna, Austria
- Dancestudent.com With downloadable dance instructions
- World Promotions Inc.
- Tri Falcon and Dove Dance Academy
- Dance Connection Store Dance shoes, dance boots, and instructional videos for the dance enthusiast
- HoustonDance.com all about dancing in Houston, Texas
- YoYsearch.com a convenient interface to ten types of search
- Orange County Dance studios Directory includes name, address & phone numbers of dance studios in Orange County, California.
- Dance directory resources and information websites
- World Salsa News all about places to dance salsa
- Dance Arts-directory.org Dance Web directory
- Learn to Dance Online in Dance BootCamp! Learn to Salsa Dance Online with step by step Learn to Dance Videos. Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Bachata
- 1000 DanceStars.com Business and personal pages, where to dance and more
- South Florida Swing Dance Society
- Date Hookup Dating and Dancing combined