See also: Bronze level | Silver level
These 4 DVDs recorded by former US National American Smooth Champions are excellent source material
for teachers teaching American Smooth style. The syllabus is divided into 3 levels:
Beginners (Bronze), Intermediate (Silver) and Advanced (Gold). Every step is explained and demonstrated
on its own, so you will never wonder when one figure ends and the other begins.
- 1. Open Left Whisk
- 2. Chassé to Shadow
- 3. Shadow Telespin
- 4. Shadow Curve & Back Lock
- 5. Double Leg Rondé
- Demonstration - Figures 1-5
- 6. Flip & Spin
- 7. Syncopated Pivots
- 8. Syncopated Open Natural Turn in Shadow Position
- 9. Free Turn to Fallaway
- 10. Contra Check Combination
- Demonstration - Figures 6-10
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 77 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM154 - SOLD OUT
- 1. Open Grapevines
- 2. Continuous Hairpins
- 3. Passing Changes
- 4. Oversway to Shadow
- 5. Half Turns in Shadow
- Demonstration - Figures 1-5
- 6. Advanced Gem
- 7. Curve & Roll
- 8. Hairpins in Shadow
- 9. Check & Sway
- 10. Hinge to Shadow
- Demonstration - Figures 6-10
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 93 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM155 - SOLD OUT
- 1. Rondé to Shadow
- 2. Shadow Back Lock
- 3. Viennese Turn in Shadow Position
- 4. Pivot & Spiral
- 5. Skater's Walks
- Demonstration - Figures 1-5
- 6. Advanced Drag
- 7. Back Checks
- 8. Roll to Oblique Line
- 9. Open Check
- 10. TeleRondé to Throwaway Oversway
- Demonstration - Figures 6-10
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 86 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM156 - SOLD OUT
Viennese Waltz
- 1. Open Right Turn to Shadow
- 2. Open Right Turn in Shadow Position
- 3. Left Turn Connection
- 4. Barrel Roll
- 5. Shadow Skips
- Demonstration - Figures 1-5
- 6. Arabesque Combination
- 7. Double Leg Rondé
- 8. Roll In and Out
- 9. Tandem Turns to Brush Hops
- 10. Progressive Forward Checks
- Demonstration - Figures 6-10
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 73 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM157