See also: Silver level | Gold level
These 4 DVDs recorded by former US National American Smooth Champions are excellent source material
for teachers teaching American Smooth style. The syllabus is divided into 3 levels:
Beginners (Bronze), Intermediate (Silver) and Advanced (Gold). Every step is explained and demonstrated
on its own, so you will never wonder when one figure ends and the other begins.
- Posture, Frame, Movement and Dance Hold
- 1A. Box Step (Straight)
- 1B. Box with Underarm Turn
- 2. Progressive
- 3A. Left Turning Box
- 3B. Right Turning Box
- 4A. Balance Steps: Forward, Back, Side to Side
- 4B. Balance and Box
- 5. Simple Twinkle
- 6. Two-Way Underarm Turn
- 7. Face to Face - Back to Back
- Demonstration - Figures 1-7
- 8. Reverse Turn
- 9. Natural Turn
- 10. Progressive Twinkles
- 11. Turning Twinkles
- 12. Grapevine
- 13. Promenade Chassé
- 14. Fallaway and Box
- 15. Twinkle & Weave
- Demonstration - Figures 8-15
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 128 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM146 - SOLD OUT
- Posture, Frame, Movement and Dance Hold
- 1. Basic
- 2. Promenade
- 3A. Rock Turn to Left (Left Rock Turn)
- 3B. Rock Turn to Right (Right Rock Turn)
- 4. Sway Step
- 5A. Promenade Underarm Turn
- 5B. Sway Underarm Turn
- 6A. Zig Zag in Line
- 6B. Zig Zag Outside Partner
- 7. Box Step
- Demonstration - Figures 1-7
- 8. Twinkle
- 9. Promenade Twinkles
- 10. Fallaway Twinkles
- 11. Turning Twinkles to Outside Partner
- 12. Grapevine
- 13. Promenade Twist
- 14. Promenade Pivot
- 15A. Running Steps in Basic Rhythm
- 15B. Running Steps in Box Rhythm
- Demonstration - Figures 8-15
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 126 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM147 - SOLD OUT
- Posture, Frame, Movement and Dance Hold
- 1A. Basic Straight
- 1B. Curving Basic
- 2A. Promenade Turning Left
- 2B. Promenade Turning Right
- 3A. Single Corté
- 3B. Double Corté
- 4. Progressive Rocks
- 5A. Open Fan
- 5B. Open Fan with Underarm Turn
- 6. Running Steps
- 7. Checked Promenade
- Demonstration - Figures 1-7
- 8A. Reverse Turn
- 8B. Reverse Turn with Outside Swivel
- 9. Right Side Fans
- 10. Contra Rocks
- 11. Continuous Left Rock Turn
- 12. Twist Turn to the Right
- 13. Check and Corté
- 14. Promenade Pivot
- 15. Oversway
- Demonstration - Figures 8-15
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 145 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM148 - SOLD OUT
Viennese Waltz
- Introduction to Viennese Waltz Technique
- 1. Balance Steps: Forward, Back, Side to Side
- 2A. Fifth Position Breaks
- 2B. Fifth Position Breaks with Underarm Turn
- 3. Reverse Turn
- 4. Closed Twinkle
- 5A. Crossbody Lead
- 5B. Crossbody Lead with Underarm Turn
- Demonstration - Figures 1-5
- 6. Hand to Hand
- 7A. Forward Progressive Changes
- 7B. Backward Progressive Changes
- 8. Right Turn
- 9. Change of Place
- 10. Curtsey & Bow
- Demonstration - Figures 6-10
- Dance Demonstration
Running time 80 min.
Price £29.95 Ref: DV-DASJM149 - SOLD OUT