Dancemax Letter #33, Thursday, Jan 11, 2001 |
How I did it? |
I underwent bypass surgery on my heart (5 blocked arteries) in 1995. When I
went back to the Studio, my friend Tom wanted to help me. He gave me advice
that really changed my life. First, he asked me how many grams of fat I was
eating? I did not know. I learned how to count fat grams and since then on
his advice I have restricted my fat intake to no more than 25 gms. a day,
with very little saturated fat. I have brought my cholesterol down to about
150 and raised my HDL to about 35. I feel fine and I can dance for hours
There are 2 kinds of diet fort Heart. 1. Reversal Diet: It is for those who have had a heart attack, who have active coronary disease such as Angina (chest pains) on medical therapy or awaiting surgery, or those who have a very high coronary risk such as Diabetics with strong Family History with high cholesterol and low HDL values. 2. Preventive Diet, for any one who is at moderate or low risk or anyone who wants to reduce the risk of heart disease to minimum. The objective of both groups is reduction of Fat. In the first group (Reversal diet) the saturated fat consumption is to be strict almost 0 gms. Once the disease is reversed there can be some compromise and a small amount of saturated fat (say like 3 to 5 gms) along with 20 gms of unsaturated fat may be allowed. In previous letters we discussed fat grams and how to count them Let's review a little and then we will close this chapter. 1 gm of Fat yields 9 calories and 1 gm of Carbs and Protein have 4 cals each. So what dot do you want to eat to fill your stomach and take less calories? Obviously the answer is less fat and more carbs and proteins. That way you can loose weight and still be satisfied with your appetite. More than that, this low fat diet will reduce your cholesterol in blood and cure or prevent heart disease. How much Fat? My recommendation is only 10% of your calories required, could be from fat. This is in line with Dr. Dean Ornish's guidelines who has scientifically proved and published data on reversal of heart disease. So Let's say an average person requires 2000 cals in 24 hrs. 10% of that is 200 cals. We know that 1 gm of fat has 9 cals, so let's divide 200 by 9. The answer is 22 to 23 gms of fat. That is what I have done to change my life. This not only cleaned out my coronary artereis but also controlled my Diabetes. Yes, you can let yourself go once in a while (once a week) as in a party or dine out but if you follow these guidelines can live a hearty life and dance, dance and dance. No red meat, No Cheese or Whole milk products, it is as simple as that. So, How should you eat?..let me count the ways...
Thank you for your patince and next time "Shell we Jive?"...Best wishes, Sincerly...Max Questions and comments to, thank you. |